Tuesday, September 11, 2018

My Eyes Are Blessed!

But blessed are your eyes, for they see... Matthew 13:16a KJV

On September 7, 2018 I went to the eye doctor for my annual checkup. The technician saw me first before the doctor came in to see me. I explained my diet has been poor and therefore didn’t expect a good result.

So he checked my right eye which has been my stronger eye and it was just OK. Things were a tad blurry but I could still make out the letters on the line I had to read. 

Then he checked my left eye, the weaker eye. I was shocked to see things crisp and clear and be able to read most of the same line as with my right eye which has NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE!!!! 

All my life I have had childhood macular mal-development which left me feeling hopelessly depressed when leaving the doctor's office in the past from an eye exam. In fact, I decided to switch doctors within the same clinic rather recently because I would bump heads with the previous one who fed me a negative prognosis. I believe that had to have helped open the door to a miracle, making it possible for me to believe and receive.

So things were different this time, and I could see clearly though it was still hard to make out the characters. It’s hard to explain, that even though I had good acuity, I still couldn’t make out all the letters, especially so close together. But my vision was by far the best it’s ever been! The technician said he is still counting this line for the left eye reading for my chart. So my sight in the left eye almost matches that of the right eye for the first time in my life!

Then, the doctor he came in and looked at my eyes, and was in utter amazement! Upon examining my retinas, he said they both look great with no ill signs. He said this doesn’t just happen! I told him my diet has been poor so I’m amazed too! 

I explained that I’m a Christian and that one morning, and on another occasion, the Lord told me He would be healing my left eye! The doctor said that whatever I’m doing, I should continue! 

I am reminded that a while back Pastor Tom Hernandez at Heart of the Bay Christian Center had a word for someone, "Macular Regeneration!" I don't think I was present in the meeting in which he gave that word, but later he determined it was for me.

Well, I will continue to give God all the glory! I’m taking it as a miracle unfolding! Amen.